domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009

Halloween on Austria

4 comentários:

  1. Hey Cláudia! This is Mariana from your classroom. I think your blog is really good! I like the radio and your Halloween story is awesome!
    If you would like to have a beautiful background tell me and then I'll teach you how.

    See you soon!

  2. Your video and your blog are awesome but I really like your video.

  3. HI, I´m Cláudia from 9º5. Thats is a very good historie because you explain how is the halloween in Austria and you show us in you video.
    Congratulations)) Keep doing Go job

  4. Hello, Cláudia! How are you? :D I love your video about Halloween. It's very funny. =D It's one of the best videos of the class. I really enjoyed, GOOD WORK! Kisses $.$
